How To Choose A Wedding Dress That Will Blow Your Groom’s Mind

If you have every intention of blowing your groom’s mind with how beautiful you look on your wedding day, we are all for your idea! Here are a few tips to select just the right dress.

Give Yourself Plenty Of Time

We can all agree that a wedding is a huge deal in most of our lives. We can also agree that what we wear on that day should not only make us look and feel fabulous, but also give us satisfaction and fond memories for the years to come. That being said, it is only right that you give yourself plenty of time to figure out the right dress; at least 6 months prior to the wedding if possible. There is also the fact that doing so will allow you to purchase said dress while it’s on discount!

Try To Keep An Open Mind When It Comes To Dress Designs

If you’ve had a long engagement, then no doubt you’ve also had plenty of time to browse through bridal dress designs. Unfortunately, this can be a little unwise, especially if you’re not going to be even considering certain styles¾because you’ve already made up your mind. Take our word, and try to keep an open mind. You’ll be surprised at how you look in certain designs that aren’t even so popular!

Be Prepared To Do A Lot Of Trying On

There’s a debate about getting ready to wear gowns vs tailored dresses. After all, if you can find a dress that fits you perfectly, there’s no need to go to the pains of getting the dress stitched. The key is to be prepared to do plenty of trials. Go to as many shops as you’d like. When you try on “the dress”, you’ll know immediately!

Don’t Knock The White Until You’ve Tried It On

Most brides don’t even give the traditional white dress a second chance, just because it’s cliché, or because white normally doesn’t suit them. Take our word, try out a dress in white¾a white wedding dress is not something you’ll ever get to wear again.

Keep Your Height And Body Shape In Mind When Selecting The Design And Embellishments

Whether you’re small made, busty, short, tall, or anything in between, don’t worry about it. There is definitely a dress to suit your body shape. Do a little research online or speak to a dressmaker about your concern. They can even help you emphasize or “hide” features you choose. For example, if you’re a large breasted woman, and don’t want the dress to put it on display, consider attaching your train from the middle of your shoulders. This makes the veil fall partly on your breasts and upper arms, reducing the prominence of your breasts.

Long And Short, Train Or No Train?

Be very sure that the dress selection is to your full satisfaction. We firmly believe that how you feel will show in your face, so be certain you’re going to be confident and comfortable wearing the dress. To have a train or not, to wear a swooping dress or walk down the aisle in a short breezy dress, to carry flowers or not, to veil your face or not…these are all entirely up to you.

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